Treasure House

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August 2023

Dear Treasure House partners, prayer warriors and faithful brothers and sisters around the world. The Lord was, is and is to come! He is good all the time and desires, more than anything, to partner with us in all good things.

Prayer Requests

1) God’s wisdom as we focus on teaching the girls about the importance of the word, “NO”. In a culture where a little girl’s voice is not heard, this is much more difficult than it should be - we need to hear His voice.

2)We had to totally rebuild 1 refrigerator, replace the motor in the other and now the dryer (which we only use during rainy season - now!) is no longer running. I have and hope to purchase 2 more power regulators at $73 per, so this does not happen again.

3) For construction work on the property, please note “Treasure House Building Fund” on your donation.

Thank you so much for your support and prayers!

If you’d like to support the Treasure House with a monetary donation, you can do so with a one-time or monthly gift. Any and all support is appreciated!