June 2023

Hello dear friends and family!

I hope all is well with you and that you are able to count your blessings while trials may abound. I have found that when the situation toughens, I need to focus even more on Jesus and be highly grateful for all. God is good!

You may just now be starting your summer vacation but nearly all our girls have been out of school since mid May, so we feel like we’re well into our summer vacation. We have all kinds of activities planned, such as Vacation Bible School, horseback riding and gymnastics, but mainly the girls have been kept happily busy by playing in the pool, swinging on the fabulous swings or chasing after our two new beautiful Belgian Shepherds.

We celebrated many of our little gems and several from another orphanage as they finished their grade level and moved up! They were each given awards for their individual academic achievements and behavioral improvements. Praying for a few wonderful people to join the team for this next school year - we need teachers!

It is so fun to watch how the Lord opens doors and provides things I can only hope and dream for! One of those dreams has been to implement Horse Therapy with the girls, and God did it! He placed people in our lives that live close by, have been trained in this area of therapy, and have the desire to offer their assistance. We have several girls who suffer from ADHD, Anxiety, Depression and/or some emotional detachment issues that have already benefited from individual sessions. Both the therapist and horse specialist are believers, so are able to demonstrate Godly values such as empathy and self-control. In their next step of therapy, our little treasures will be working on sensory motor skills just by grooming, hugging and connecting with the horse.These are invaluable lessons for anyone hoping to improve their way of life!

Prayer Requests

1) For founder and director, Karen David, and all staff to be constantly in-tune to the voice of the Lord, so that we can effectively benefit the lives of each and every child who enters our doors.

2) $30k needed in order to restore the casita on the property, all other financial needs and some wants as well so the children can play and stay involved in their activities.

3) Our safety - That the Lord would put a hedge of protection around us collectively and individually. That His glory will be within our walls! “And I myself will be a wall of fire around it,’ declares the Lord, ‘and I will be it’s glory within.” (Zech. 2:5)

Thank you so much for your support and prayers!

If you’d like to support the Treasure House with a monetary donation, you can do so with a one-time or monthly gift. Any and all support is appreciated!


Karen J. David


August 2023


March 2023